fro the sheaf
rippl-ka, the wool or fx b
riskit, cracked
rive, to split, to tear, to tug, to burst
rock, a distaff
rock, a cial etg
roon, round, shred
roose, to praise, to ftter
roose, reputation
roosty, rty
rottan, a rat
roun&039;, round
roupet, exhated voice
routh, v rowth
routhie, well-stocked
row, rowe, to roll; to flow, as a river; to wrap
rowte, to low, to bellow
rowth, plenty, a store
rozet, res
run-deils, downright devils
rung, a cudl
runkl&039;d, wrkled
runt, a cabba or lewort stalk
ryke, to reach
sab, to b
saft, ft
sair, re, hard, severe, strong
sair, to serve
sair, sairly, rely
sairie, rrowful, rry
sall, shall
sandy, sannack, di of alexander
sark, a shirt
saugh, the willow
saul, ul
sauont, sawont, the salon
saunt, sat
saut, salt
saut-backets, v backets
saw, to w
sawney, v sandy
sax, six
scar, to scare
scar, v scaur
scathe, scaith, daa; v skaith
scaud, to scald
scaul, sld
scauld, to sld
scaur, afraid; apt to be scared
scaur, a juttg rock or bank of earth
scho, she
sne, a ft flour cake
snner, disgt
snner, sicken
scraich, callg hoarsely
screed, a rip, a rent
screed, to repeat rapidly, to rattle
scriech, screechg
scriegh, skriegh, v skriegh
scriev, careerg
scripit, scanty
scroggie, scroggy, scrubby
sculdudd&039;ry, bawdry
see&039;d, saw
seiss, freehold possessions
sel, sel&039;, sell, self
sell&039;d, sell&039;t, ld
seple, siple
sen&039;, send
set, to set off; to start
set, sat
sets, bees
shachl&039;d, shapeless
shaird, shred, shard