gan, a cleft stick
shanna, shall not
shaul, shallow
shaver, a funny fellow
shavie, trick
shaw, a wood
shaw, to show
shearer, a reaper
sheep-shank, a sheep&039;s trotter; nae sheep-shank bane = a pern of
no sall iportance
sheerly, wholly
sheers, scisrs
sherra-oor, sheriffuir
sheugh, a ditch, a furrow; gutter
sheuk, shook
shiel, a shed, tta
shill, shrill
shog, a shake
shool, a shovel
shoon, shoes
shore, to offer, to threaten
short syne, a little while ago
shouldna, should not
shouther, showther, shoulder
shure, shore (did shear)
sic, such
sian, such a
sicker, steady, certa; sicker sre = strict nditions
sidels, sideways
siller, silver; oney neral
sir, sur
s, n
s&039;, sce
sdry, sundry
st, sd, shriveled
sn, the sun
sny, sunny
skaith, daa
skeigh, skiegh, skittish
skel, a good-for-nothg
skelp, a sp, a sack
skelp, to spank; skelp at it = drivg at it
skelpie-lir&039;s-face, a technical ter feale sldg (r b)
skelvy, shelvy
skiegh, v skeigh
skkg, watery
skkl, glitterg
skirl, to cry or und shrilly
sklent, a snt, a turn
sklent, to snt, to st, to cheat
skouth, spe
skriech, a screa
skriegh, to screa, to whny
skyr, frg
skyte, sirt, sh
sde, slid
se, the sloe
sp, a breach a fence; a gate
sw, slow
slee, sly, nio
sleekit, sleek, crafty
slidd&039;ry, slippery
sloken, to ske
slypet, slipped
sa&039;, sall
sddu, a powder
sek, soke
siddy, sithy
soor&039;d, sothered
soutie, sutty
sytrie, a sall llection; a litter
snak, sneerg
snap sart
snapper, to stuble
snash, abe
snaw, sn