tip, v toop
tirl, to strip
tirl, to knock for entrance
tither, the other
tittl, whisperg
tocher, dowry
tocher, to give a dowry
tocher-gude, arria portion
tod, the fox
to-fa&039;, the fall
too, epty
toop, tup, ra
toss, the toast
toun, town; far steadg
toie, shaggy
tout, bst
tow, fx, a rope
towond, towont, a elveonth
towsg, ruplg (eivocal)
toyte, to totter
tozie, fshed with drk
tras, shafts
transogrify, chan
trashtrie, sall trash
trews, troers
trig, neat, tri
trkl, flog
tr&039;le, the wheel of a barrow
trogr, packan
trogg, wares
troke, to barter
troe, troers
trowth, truth
trup, a jew&039;s harp
tryste, a fair; a cattle-arket
trysted, appoted
trystg, etg
tulyie, tulzie, a sabble; a tsle
a, o
afauld, ofold, double
al, elve; the al = elve at night
alpennie worth, a penny worth (english oney)
a-three, o or three
ay, o
, e, to rob; to deprive; bereave
istle, a ist; a spra
tyke, a dog
tyne, v te
tysday, tuesday
ulzie, oil
unchancy, danro
un, rearkably, unonly, excessively
un, rearkable, unon, terrible (sarcastic)
uns, news, stran thgs, wonders
unkend, unknown
unsicker, uncerta
unskaithed, unhurt
abae, ebae, whisky
vauntie, proud
vera, very
virls, rgs
vittle, victual, gra, food
vogie, va
wa&039;, waw, a wall
wab, a web
wabster, a weaver
wad, to war
wad, to wed
wad, would, would have
wad&039;a, would have
wadna, would not
wadset, a ortga
wae, woful, rrowful
wae, wo; wae&039;s = wo is to
waesucks, as!
wae worth, wo befall
wair, v wa