wale, to choose
wale, choice
walie, wawlie, choice, aple, r
wallop, to kick; to dangle; to gallop; to dance
waly fa&039;, ill befall!
wa, the belly
wafou, bellyful
wan, won
wanchancie, danro
wanrestfu&039;, restless
ware, wair, to spend; bestow
ware, worn
wark, work
wark-, tool
warl&039;, warld, world
warlock, a wizard
warl&039;y, warldly, worldly
warran, warrant
warse, worse
warsle, warstle, wrestle
wast, west
wastrie, waste
wat, wet
wat, wot, know
water-fit, water-foot (the river&039;s outh)
water-kelpies, v kelpies
wauble, to wobble
waught, a draft
wauk, to awake
wauken, to awaken
wauk, awake
waukit (with toil), horny
waukrife, wakeful
waulie, jolly
waur, worse
waur, to worst
waur&039;t, worsted, beat
wean (wee one), a child
weanies, babies
wean, weasand
wecht, a asure for rn
wee, a little; a wee = a short space or ti
wee thgs, children
weel, well
weel-faured, well-favored
weel-gaun, well-gog
weel-ha&039;d, well-saved
weepers, ourngs (on the steeve or hat)
werena, were not
we&039;se, we shall
westl, western
wha, who
whaizle, wheeze
whalpet, whelped
wha, who
whan, when
whang, a shive
whang, flog
whar, whare, where
wha&039;s whose
wha&039;s, who is
whase, whose
what for, whatfore, wherefore
whatna, what
what reck, what atter; nevertheless
whatt, whittled
whaup, the curlew
whaur, where
wheep, v penny-wheep
wheep, jerk
whid, a fib
whidd, scuddg
whids, gabols
whigleeries, crotches
whg, whg
whs, furze
whirlygigus, flourishes